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August 30, 2006


I'd like to take some time to read this article by Ken Pollack on Iraq's chances of civil war; at the moment, I'm reading Guests of the Ayatollah, and have Mackey's The Iranians on deck.

Here's a link to info on how to build your own cat tree; I've been meaning to do this (or at least to fix our cat's older scratching post) for some time now.

And Bikely just seems damned useful.

Finally, we're thinking about ditching our Time Warner/Road Runner DVR for a Tivo; we've been waiting for the series 3, which seems to be on its way. No more problems with video/audio sync! (We hope).

August 29, 2006

Where I've Been

Just got back from Culebra, an island to the east of Puerto Rico. Here's what I spent most of my time enjoying. Nice time. More pics coming soon.

August 15, 2006


Just more tabclearing. I really need to look at Nikto and snort.

In other news, here's some tips from our utility suggesting ways we can use less electricity. One option I'm considering is a programmable thermostat. Heather strongly dislikes those spiral flourescents, so I can only use them for outdoor lighting and the like. We need to look into the cold water detergent, though. Finally, I should really clean the oven window. :)

I think Sarah Grace would like the Lava Flow.

And hey! For a measly $220, I could have lots more fugazi.

Finally, Angie's List may be helpful as we try to find decent local contractors and vendors for work we need done to the house and yard.