
October 11, 2007

The Valley of the Shadow of Death Time Shares

Have you been reading the posts Errol Morris has been making in his blog on the NYT, regarding a couple of photographs of the Crimean war?

(if not, read part one first, then part two.) From part two, though, which I thought was probably worth sharing:

[3] I had tried to convince Julia, my wife, to come with me to the Crimea. My first argument was that it would give her an opportunity not only to read the 23rd Psalm, but to see the 23rd Psalm. Then I suggested that it was an opportunity to experience the 23rd Psalm. And while I didn't have a chance to make the argument before I went there, it turns out that there a parts of the Valley of the Shadow of Death that are for sale, and there was an opportunity not to just to see and experience the 23rd Psalm but to own it. Who could resist? I started to think about the possibility of Valley of the Shadow of Death Time Shares. What a fantastic place for a nursing home!