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I've been screwing around with our new DNS server (we're migrating, or planning a migration, anyway) from our old corporate Web/mail/dns server to a newer box) and have found these articles to be helpful. The first is a tutorial on setting up chrooted DNS servers, the second is a bit of info about securing your DNS server against cache poisoning, and the latter two are both by Cricket Liu and cover BIND 9 upgrade gotchas and Views in BIND 9, respectively.

I'm also switching to Subversion, as well.

In other unrelated news, I need to allocate a weekend to digging into Drosera and FireBug. I don't do much JavaScript anymore, but when I do, it'd be nice to have a debugger. And since we're on the topic of JavaScript, there's this article on the importance of maintainable JavaScript.

This article on PHP design patterns may prove useful.

Here's an interesting bit about writing and writing software are similar activities, from the folks at 37Signals.

I definitely recommend this article on making Firefox more Mac-like; I'm finally giving up on Safari, but there are many things about Firefox that make Safari seem friendly (when it's not giving you the spinning beach ball of death, that is). Barring success with Firefox, I may turn to this article on making Safari a better browser. I'm already using PithHelmet, Saft, and Inquisitor. And there's always PimpMySafari.

This looks like a good reference on how to sharpen a knife. I've got some cheap knives here that won't seem to hold an edge, and I need to fix that.

Finally, Mike and Deb have a blog!

Oh, and I spent Saturday at BarCampRDU, talking about spam and hanging out with my old friend Greg. Good times.